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Are you a Wellcare or Wellcare by ‘Ohana member who would like to disenroll from your Medicare Advantage plan? Use this form to request a disenrollment. If you request disenrollment, you must continue to get all medical care from your plan until the effective date of disenrollment. Contact Us to verify your disenrollment before you seek medical services outside of our network. We will notify you of your effective date following receipt of this form.

Note: To complete this form, you must have a valid disenrollment password. To obtain a disenrollment password, please Contact Us. One of our helpful Member Services representatives will speak with you about disenrollment and provide you with your password.

Fields marked with * are REQUIRED.

I recently had a change in my Medicaid (newly got Medicaid, had a change in level of Medicaid assistance or lost Medicaid).
I recently had a change in my Extra Help paying for Medicare prescription drug coverage (newly got Extra Help, had a change in the level of Extra Help or lost Extra Help).
I have both Medicare and Medicaid (or my State helps pay for my Medicare premiums) or I get Extra Help paying for Medicare prescription drug coverage, but I haven’t had a change.
I am moving into, live in, or recently moved out of a Long-Term Care Facility (for example, a nursing home or long-term care facility).
I am joining a PACE program.
I am joining employer or union coverage.
I was enrolled in a plan by Medicare (or my state), and I want to choose a different plan.
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Y0020_WCM_164006E_M Last Updated On: 10/1/2024
On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare experienced a cyber security incident. Any individuals impacted by this incident will receive a letter in the mail. Learn more about this from Change Healthcare, or reach out to the contact center at 1-866-262-5342. ×
Wellcare will be performing maintenance on Saturday, February 22, from 6 P.M. EDT to 8 A.M. EDT the next day. You might not be able to access systems or fax during this time. We are sorry for any issues this may cause. Thank you for your patience. If you need assistance, contact us.